Saturday, November 16, 2019

Dream Is A Work Essay Example for Free

Dream Is A Work Essay A dream is a work of art which requires of the dreamer no particular talent, special training, or technical competence. Dreaming is a creative enterprise in which all may and most do participate. – Clark S. Hall Dreams Nightmares I.introduction I. Dreams are the touchstones of our characters. Henry David Thoreau Have you ever been curious about what your dreams and nightmares actually mean? Dreams can be mysterious, but understanding the meaning of our dreams can be downright baffling. The content of our dreams can shift suddenly, feature bizarre elements or frighten us with terrifying imagery. The fact that dreams can be so rich and compelling is what causes many to believe that there must be some meaning to our dreams. People have always been fascinated by their secret night-time journeys. Over the years there have been many theories as to why we dream and the function dreams serve. II. What is a dream? – What is a nightmare Nightmare’s distinction is its frightening and emotional content. People wake up in fear in the middle of a nightmare. Because of this, you are more likely to remember your nightmares than your good dream. Studies have said that sensiive people are more prone to nightmares because of of their empathetic surroundings. Dream is a series of images, thoughts, or emotions passing through the mind during sleep. We all experience dreams while we sleep III. Facts about Dreams Dreams can be fascinating, exciting, terrifying or just plain weird. 1. Everybody Dreams 2. But You Forget Most of Your Dreams We forget most of our dreams just right after waking up because of our brain condition while were asleep. Although most dreams vanish, certain ones tend to remain. These dreams were so beautiful or bizarre, they captured our attention and increased activity in our DLPFC. Thus, the more impressive your dream or thought, the more likely you are to remember it. How to understand what your dreams mean The symbolism in dreams is often simply borrowed from recent events. The first time the above dream occurred was after the woman had been watching a television programme about sailing. The symbols are rather arbitrary; it is the feelings in the dream which hold the key to unlocking dreams and what they mean. The feelings in the dream are usually an exaggeration of feelings from the real-life issue which caused the dream. If you feel terror in the dream think of when recently, in your waking life, you felt a little frightened. Or if you laugh hysterically during a dream look for a recent time when you found something funny but were maybe constrained from laughing too uproariously. When you find the dreams match it often feels like a clicking into place like a perception rather than an intellectualisation. When you astral project, your astral self is leaving your physical, corporeal body and roaming around on the astral plane. If that’s happening to you, you are extremely aware that it’s happening. It’s not something that happens unconsciously. So, a true astral projection is when you leave your body and you maintain your awareness in your astral body while your physical body stays prone and asleep. So, that being said, however, what happens at night is your astral body becomes aware, it sort of wakes up, but it doesn’t necessarily leave your body. In that way, I could see why you’re asking â€Å"Does the astral body hover over the body while sleeping?† I can tell you that during the times that I have astral projected and gone to visit friends I can see their astral bodies moving out of phase with their physical bodies. So, usually I see a person’s head coming out of their physical head. So, I kind of see their incorporeal head here – their astral head – and their physical head just underneath them. And they usually look pretty shocked. I don’t know if that’s because they’re sensing my presence or that’s how it looks normally. I would have no way to tell, but I can tell you that the astral self does move out of phase a little bit from the physical body while we sleep. At least from what I have seen. This would make sense to me, because when we sleep our bodies are going into sort of a hibernation that allows our astral self – our astral body – to separate and explore if it wants to. If we want to. Always remember that you are attached to your corporeal body with your astral cord, which is what helps you get back into your body after you’ve been out for a while. You don’t want that to get severed . That’s the end of the show if that happens. So, yes, I would say it’s true that every time you sleep your astral body becomes aware, that it is free to move around, but a true astral separation you would be very, very aware of. It would not be something that you’d forget. So I would say that yes, there is some astral activity every night when you sleep, but probably not a full separation. Good question. If you liked this article, sign up to receive free updates. - Top of Form The difference would depend on how you feel about the dream upon waking and what you see as a nightmare. A nightmare is more typically something dreamt where you may well have a conscious recollection of a specific terror. Being pursued by a relentless creature or thing that would harm you, for instance. What you describe may have more to do with a bad dream that is based on some conflict in your life. You dont name any particular thing that you recall of the dream, so the dreams may be more to do with a waking issue almost literally fighting wakefulness. We pass through an odd world of twighlight as we emerge from sleep. Dreams happen mostly just before waking and in a way we often drag them with us. The waking experience itself can be disturbing enough to a pleasant dream to generate the response you describe in some people. As we awaken we can go through a semi-waking awareness of sleep paralysis and some can fight that, lash out as if they are restrained by something unwanted. As the mind comes awake the muscles release this and begin to work on command and we lose our grip on the dream: perhaps even a nice one. Stuff to fight over? Depends on how you feel. If nightmares it is odd that you dont mention specific details. This really sound more related to a waking issue as sleep is released a combination of physical and mental influences driving an agitated response. In the past, when we didnt know the importance of the meaning of dreams, they were undervalued by everyone. Today we know that our dreams are very important not only because they show us a live map of what is happening inside our psyche, but because they give us objective information and guidance about everything that happens in our lives. How can your dreams help you? You have to start keeping a dream journal and a diary where youll take notes of the most important events of the day to begin receiving the help you require. Study the dream language according to the scientific method of dream interpretation the same way you study any foreign language, so that you may easily learn how to translate the dream images into words that make sense to your conscious mind. Your dreams usually talk about you and your life, especially in the beginning of your occupation with dream translation. Later they will give you information about other people and everything else you care about. This is why your diary will help you understand the dream messages. The unconscious mind that produces your dreams sends you answers to your questions in dream messages, information about the things that most worry you, and explanations about what is happening in your life. When you are worried about the results of your tests, the unconscious mind will relieve your anxiety by showi ng you that everything will be fine. When you are making mistakes, the unconscious mind will send you dream images about the past. You will see yourself as you were when you were younger, because you will be repeating a maladaptive behavior that characterized your personality when you were still immature. For example, in the previous day if you were thinking about quitting your job youll understand that the unconscious mind is sending you a warning. You must not be irresponsible like you were when you were a teen. You need this job and you should forget the idea about abandoning it. The unconscious mind will help you find a better job if this is the case, but you should be patient. Work where you are now, and learn everything you can. Tomorrow you may need the experience youll acquire for working in this job, or the good references youll have from there in order to work in a higher position there or somewhere else. You will see dream symbols that have a positive meaning in your dreams after making some progress in dream interpretation, and after transforming your personality to a degree. The personality change is a positive result of dream therapy. Then you may see that you have found a key in a dream. This dream symbol shows you that you have finally found the solution you needed in order to solve a difficult problem. You only need to learn the meaning of the most important dream symbols and understand how the information contained in your dreams helps you correct mistakes in your behavior or eliminate illogical concepts and bad ideas you have formulated to effectively change your life in a positive and rewarding way. In the beginning you should write all your dreams down and compare one dream to another, analyzing an entire dream collection, so that you may really learn the dream language. Once you get used with it, youll automatically translate all dream images into words, immediately understanding the dream messages. Christina Sponias continued Carl Jungs research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to exactly translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness.

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